Ultraviolet radiation, temperature, and moisture are the factors that contribute to material degradation for products exposed to the elements. Accelerated weathering is the simulation of these conditions using special environmental chambers and instruments in order to speed up the weathering process and measure its effects on parts, components, products, and materials. To service clients in the architectural industry, Element operates comprehensive accelerated weather test facilities with customized weather test cabinets available to simulate various service conditions, including UV light, high ambient temperature and humidity. Effects of weathering on materials Environmental exposure can effect almost any material, including plastics, rubbers, composites, paints and coatings, metals, textiles, stone and concrete, and much more. Some effects of weathering on materials includes loss of gloss, color change, abrasion, physical properties like impact strength etc. Benefits of environmental exposure testing In certain industries, accelerated weathering testing is required to ensure materials or products meet regulatory standards. Our experts support your quality program with testing and documentation to standards important to your business. Accelerated Weathering capabilities Accelerated weathering allows Element to evaluate performance of our products under extreme conditions, providing a documented basis of comparison and detailed information that can be critical to production planning and specifications. Our capabilities include: • UV Exposure testing |